class Pinyin(object): """translate chinese hanzi to pinyin by python, inspired by flyerhzm's `chinese\_pinyin`_ gem usage ----- :: > from xpinyin import Pinyin > p = Pinyin() > # default splitter is `-` > p.get_pinyin(u"上海") 'shang-hai' > # show tone marks > p.get_pinyin(u"上海", tone_marks='marks') 'shàng-hǎi' > p.get_pinyin(u"上海", tone_marks='numbers') > 'shang4-hai3' > # remove splitter > p.get_pinyin(u"上海", '') 'shanghai' > # set splitter as whitespace > p.get_pinyin(u"上海", ' ') 'shang hai' > p.get_initial(u"上") 'S' > p.get_initials(u"上海") 'S-H' > p.get_initials(u"上海", u'') 'SH' > p.get_initials(u"上海", u' ') 'S H' 请输入utf8编码汉字 .. _chinese\_pinyin: https://github.com/flyerhzm/chinese_pinyin """
安装:pip install xpinyin
from xpinyin import Pinyin # 实例拼音转换对象 p = Pinyin() # 进行拼音转换 ret = p.get_pinyin(u"汉语拼音转换", tone_marks='marks') ret1 = p.get_pinyin(u"汉语拼音转换", tone_marks='numbers') print(ret+'\n'+ret1) # 得到转化后的结果 # hàn-yǔ-pīn-yīn-zhuǎn-huàn # han4-yu3-pin1-yin1-zhuan3-huan4
安装:pip install pypinyin
import pypinyin # 不带声调的(style=pypinyin.NORMAL) def pinyin(word): s = '' for i in pypinyin.pinyin(word, style=pypinyin.NORMAL): s += ''.join(i) return s # 带声调的(默认) def yinjie(word): s = '' # heteronym=True开启多音字 for i in pypinyin.pinyin(word, heteronym=True): s = s + ''.join(i) + " " return s if __name__ == "__main__": print(pinyin("忠厚传家久")) print(yinjie("诗书继世长"))
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from copy import deepcopy from itertools import chain from pypinyin.compat import text_type, callable_check from pypinyin.constants import ( PHRASES_DICT, PINYIN_DICT, RE_HANS, Style ) from pypinyin.contrib import mmseg from pypinyin.utils import simple_seg, _replace_tone2_style_dict_to_default from pypinyin.style import auto_discover, convert as convert_style auto_discover() def seg(hans): hans = simple_seg(hans) ret = [] for x in hans: if not RE_HANS.match(x): # 没有拼音的字符,不再参与二次分词 ret.append(x) elif PHRASES_DICT: ret.extend(list(mmseg.seg.cut(x))) else: # 禁用了词语库,不分词 ret.append(x) return ret def load_single_dict(pinyin_dict, style='default'): """载入用户自定义的单字拼音库 :param pinyin_dict: 单字拼音库。比如: ``{0x963F: u"ā,ē"}`` :param style: pinyin_dict 参数值的拼音库风格. 支持 'default', 'tone2' :type pinyin_dict: dict """ if style == 'tone2': for k, v in pinyin_dict.items(): v = _replace_tone2_style_dict_to_default(v) PINYIN_DICT[k] = v else: PINYIN_DICT.update(pinyin_dict) mmseg.retrain(mmseg.seg) def load_phrases_dict(phrases_dict, style='default'): """载入用户自定义的词语拼音库 :param phrases_dict: 词语拼音库。比如: ``{u"阿爸": [[u"ā"], [u"bà"]]}`` :param style: phrases_dict 参数值的拼音库风格. 支持 'default', 'tone2' :type phrases_dict: dict """ if style == 'tone2': for k, value in phrases_dict.items(): v = [ list(map(_replace_tone2_style_dict_to_default, pys)) for pys in value ] PHRASES_DICT[k] = v else: PHRASES_DICT.update(phrases_dict) mmseg.retrain(mmseg.seg) def to_fixed(pinyin, style, strict=True): """根据拼音风格格式化带声调的拼音. :param pinyin: 单个拼音 :param style: 拼音风格 :param strict: 是否严格遵照《汉语拼音方案》来处理声母和韵母 :return: 根据拼音风格格式化后的拼音字符串 :rtype: unicode """ return convert_style(pinyin, style=style, strict=strict, default=pinyin) def _handle_nopinyin_char(chars, errors='default'): """处理没有拼音的字符""" if callable_check(errors): return errors(chars) if errors == 'default': return chars elif errors == 'ignore': return None elif errors == 'replace': if len(chars) > 1: return ''.join(text_type('%x' % ord(x)) for x in chars) else: return text_type('%x' % ord(chars)) def handle_nopinyin(chars, errors='default', heteronym=True): py = _handle_nopinyin_char(chars, errors=errors) if not py: return [] if isinstance(py, list): # 包含多音字信息 if isinstance(py[0], list): if heteronym: return py # [[a, b], [c, d]] # [[a], [c]] return [[x[0]] for x in py] return [[i] for i in py] else: return [[py]] def single_pinyin(han, style, heteronym, errors='default', strict=True): """单字拼音转换. :param han: 单个汉字 :param errors: 指定如何处理没有拼音的字符,详情请参考 :py:func:`~pypinyin.pinyin` :param strict: 是否严格遵照《汉语拼音方案》来处理声母和韵母 :return: 返回拼音列表,多音字会有多个拼音项 :rtype: list """ num = ord(han) # 处理没有拼音的字符 if num not in PINYIN_DICT: return handle_nopinyin(han, errors=errors, heteronym=heteronym) pys = PINYIN_DICT[num].split(',') # 字的拼音列表 if not heteronym: return [[to_fixed(pys[0], style, strict=strict)]] # 输出多音字的多个读音 # 临时存储已存在的拼音,避免多音字拼音转换为非音标风格出现重复。 # TODO: change to use set # TODO: add test for cache py_cached = {} pinyins = [] for i in pys: py = to_fixed(i, style, strict=strict) if py in py_cached: continue py_cached[py] = py pinyins.append(py) return [pinyins] def phrase_pinyin(phrase, style, heteronym, errors='default', strict=True): """词语拼音转换. :param phrase: 词语 :param errors: 指定如何处理没有拼音的字符 :param strict: 是否严格遵照《汉语拼音方案》来处理声母和韵母 :return: 拼音列表 :rtype: list """ py = [] if phrase in PHRASES_DICT: py = deepcopy(PHRASES_DICT[phrase]) for idx, item in enumerate(py): py[idx] = [to_fixed(item[0], style=style, strict=strict)] else: for i in phrase: single = single_pinyin(i, style=style, heteronym=heteronym, errors=errors, strict=strict) if single: py.extend(single) return py def _pinyin(words, style, heteronym, errors, strict=True): """ :param words: 经过分词处理后的字符串,只包含中文字符或只包含非中文字符, 不存在混合的情况。 """ pys = [] # 初步过滤没有拼音的字符 if RE_HANS.match(words): pys = phrase_pinyin(words, style=style, heteronym=heteronym, errors=errors, strict=strict) return pys py = handle_nopinyin(words, errors=errors, heteronym=heteronym) if py: pys.extend(py) return pys def pinyin(hans, style=Style.TONE, heteronym=False, errors='default', strict=True): """将汉字转换为拼音. :param hans: 汉字字符串( ``'你好吗'`` )或列表( ``['你好', '吗']`` ). 可以使用自己喜爱的分词模块对字符串进行分词处理, 只需将经过分词处理的字符串列表传进来就可以了。 :type hans: unicode 字符串或字符串列表 :param style: 指定拼音风格,默认是 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 风格。 更多拼音风格详见 :class:`~pypinyin.Style` :param errors: 指定如何处理没有拼音的字符。详见 :ref:`handle_no_pinyin` * ``'default'``: 保留原始字符 * ``'ignore'``: 忽略该字符 * ``'replace'``: 替换为去掉 ``\\u`` 的 unicode 编码字符串 (``'\\u90aa'`` => ``'90aa'``) * callable 对象: 回调函数之类的可调用对象。 :param heteronym: 是否启用多音字 :param strict: 是否严格遵照《汉语拼音方案》来处理声母和韵母,详见 :ref:`strict` :return: 拼音列表 :rtype: list :raise AssertionError: 当传入的字符串不是 unicode 字符时会抛出这个异常 Usage:: > from pypinyin import pinyin, Style > import pypinyin > pinyin('中心') [['zhōng'], ['xīn']] > pinyin('中心', heteronym=True) # 启用多音字模式 [['zhōng', 'zhòng'], ['xīn']] > pinyin('中心', style=Style.FIRST_LETTER) # 设置拼音风格 [['z'], ['x']] > pinyin('中心', style=Style.TONE2) [['zho1ng'], ['xi1n']] > pinyin('中心', style=Style.CYRILLIC) [['чжун1'], ['синь1']] """ # 对字符串进行分词处理 if isinstance(hans, text_type): han_list = seg(hans) else: han_list = chain(*(seg(x) for x in hans)) pys = [] for words in han_list: pys.extend(_pinyin(words, style, heteronym, errors, strict=strict)) return pys def slug(hans, style=Style.NORMAL, heteronym=False, separator='-', errors='default', strict=True): """生成 slug 字符串. :param hans: 汉字 :type hans: unicode or list :param style: 指定拼音风格,默认是 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.NORMAL` 风格。 更多拼音风格详见 :class:`~pypinyin.Style` :param heteronym: 是否启用多音字 :param separstor: 两个拼音间的分隔符/连接符 :param errors: 指定如何处理没有拼音的字符,详情请参考 :py:func:`~pypinyin.pinyin` :param strict: 是否严格遵照《汉语拼音方案》来处理声母和韵母,详见 :ref:`strict` :return: slug 字符串. :raise AssertionError: 当传入的字符串不是 unicode 字符时会抛出这个异常 :: > import pypinyin > from pypinyin import Style > pypinyin.slug('中国人') 'zhong-guo-ren' > pypinyin.slug('中国人', separator=' ') 'zhong guo ren' > pypinyin.slug('中国人', style=Style.FIRST_LETTER) 'z-g-r' > pypinyin.slug('中国人', style=Style.CYRILLIC) 'чжун1-го2-жэнь2' """ return separator.join(chain(*pinyin(hans, style=style, heteronym=heteronym, errors=errors, strict=strict) )) def lazy_pinyin(hans, style=Style.NORMAL, errors='default', strict=True): """不包含多音字的拼音列表. 与 :py:func:`~pypinyin.pinyin` 的区别是返回的拼音是个字符串, 并且每个字只包含一个读音. :param hans: 汉字 :type hans: unicode or list :param style: 指定拼音风格,默认是 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.NORMAL` 风格。 更多拼音风格详见 :class:`~pypinyin.Style`。 :param errors: 指定如何处理没有拼音的字符,详情请参考 :py:func:`~pypinyin.pinyin` :param strict: 是否严格遵照《汉语拼音方案》来处理声母和韵母,详见 :ref:`strict` :return: 拼音列表(e.g. ``['zhong', 'guo', 'ren']``) :rtype: list :raise AssertionError: 当传入的字符串不是 unicode 字符时会抛出这个异常 Usage:: > from pypinyin import lazy_pinyin, Style > import pypinyin > lazy_pinyin('中心') ['zhong', 'xin'] > lazy_pinyin('中心', style=Style.TONE) ['zhōng', 'xīn'] > lazy_pinyin('中心', style=Style.FIRST_LETTER) ['z', 'x'] > lazy_pinyin('中心', style=Style.TONE2) ['zho1ng', 'xi1n'] > lazy_pinyin('中心', style=Style.CYRILLIC) ['чжун1', 'синь1'] """ return list(chain(*pinyin(hans, style=style, heteronym=False, errors=errors, strict=strict)))