python 判断三个数字中的最大值实例代码
简介python 判断三个数字中的最大值,具体代码如下所示:#判断三个数中最大值n1= int(input('please enter the firest number:'))n2 = int(input('please enter the second number:'))n3 = int(i
python 判断三个数字中的最大值,具体代码如下所示:
#判断三个数中最大值 n1= int(input('please enter the firest number:')) n2 = int(input('please enter the second number:')) n3 = int(input('please enter the third number:')) max_num = 0 if n1 > n2: max_num = n1 if n1 > n3: max_num = n1 else: max_num = n3 else: max_num = n2 if n2 > n3: max_num = n2 else: max_num = n3 print('the max_num is:%d'%max_num) ''' if n1>n2: max_num = n1 if max_num > n3: print('the max_num is n1') else: print('the max_num is n3') else: max_num = n2 if max_num > n3: print('the max_num is n2') else: print('the max_num is n3') '''
a = 1 b = 2 max_ = a if a > b else b print(max_)
num1 = int(input("输入第一个数:")) num2 = int(input("输入第二个数:")) num3 = int(input("输入第三个数:")) max_ = (num1 if num1 > num2 else num2) if(num1 if num1 > num2 else num2) > num3 else num3 print(max_)
package com.zzti.edu; import java.util.Scanner; /** * @Classname threeEye * @Description TODO * @Author jdq8576 * @Date 2019/3/2 14:28 * @Version 1.0 **/ public class threeEye { public static void main(String[] args){ int a; int b; int c; Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); a = scanner.nextInt(); b = scanner.nextInt(); c = scanner.nextInt(); scanner.close(); System.out.println((a>b"htmlcode">#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int a,b,c; cinabc; int max = (a>b"color: #ff0000">总结
以上所述是小编给大家介绍的python 判断三个数字中的最大值,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对网站的支持!