Python采集猫眼两万条数据 对《无名之辈》影评进行分析
基本流程:下载内容 ---> 分析获取关键数据 ---> 保存本地文件 ---> 分析本地文件制作图表
链接地址:http://m.maoyan.com/mmdb/comments/movie/1208282.json"text-align: center">
接口返回的数据如下,主要采集(昵称、城市、评论、评分和时间),用户评论在 json['cmts'] 中:
>启动脚本需要的参数如下(脚本名+猫眼电影ID+上映日期+数据保存的文件名):.\myMovieComment.py 1208282 2016-11-16 myCmts2.txt
>下载html内容:download(self, url),通过python的requests模块进行下载,将下载的数据转成json格式
def download(self, url): """下载html内容""" print("正在下载URL: "+url) # 下载html内容 response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers) # 转成json格式数据 if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() else: # print(html.status_code) print('下载数据为空!') return ""
def parse(self, content): """分析数据""" comments = [] try: for item in content['cmts']: comment = { 'nickName': item['nickName'], # 昵称 'cityName': item['cityName'], # 城市 'content': item['content'], # 评论内容 'score': item['score'], # 评分 'startTime': item['startTime'], # 时间 } comments.append(comment) except Exception as e: print(e) finally: return comments
def save(self, data): """写入文件""" print("保存数据,写入文件中...") self.save_file.write(data)
> 爬虫的核心控制也即爬虫的程序启动入口,管理上面几个方法的有序执行:
def start(self): """启动控制方法""" print("爬虫开始...\r\n") start_time = self.start_time end_time = self.end_time num = 1 while start_time > end_time: print("执行次数:", num) # 1、下载html content = self.download(self.target_url + str(start_time)) # 2、分析获取关键数据 comments = '' if content != "": comments = self.parse(content) if len(comments) <= 0: print("本次数据量为:0,退出爬取!\r\n") break # 3、写入文件 res = '' for cmt in comments: res += "%s###%s###%s###%s###%s\n" % (cmt['nickName'], cmt['cityName'], cmt['content'], cmt['score'], cmt['startTime']) self.save(res) print("本次数据量:%s\r\n" % len(comments)) # 获取最后一条数据的时间 ,然后减去一秒 start_time = datetime.strptime(comments[len(comments) - 1]['startTime'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + timedelta(seconds=-1) # start_time = datetime.strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # 休眠3s num += 1 time.sleep(3) self.save_file.close() print("爬虫结束...")
2.3 数据样本,最终爬取将近2万条数据,每条记录的每个数据使用 ### 进行分割:
def createCharts(self): """生成图表""" # 读取数据,格式:[{"北京", 10}, {"上海",10}] data = self.readCityNum() # 1 热点图 geo1 = Geo("《无名之辈》观众位置分布热点图", "数据来源:猫眼,Fly采集", title_color="#FFF", title_pos="center", width="100%", height=600, background_color="#404A59") attr1, value1 = geo1.cast(data) geo1.add("", attr1, value1, type="heatmap", visual_range=[0, 1000], visual_text_color="#FFF", symbol_size=15, is_visualmap=True, is_piecewise=False, visual_split_number=10) geo1.render("files/无名之辈-观众位置热点图.html") # 2 位置图 geo2 = Geo("《无名之辈》观众位置分布", "数据来源:猫眼,Fly采集", title_color="#FFF", title_pos="center", width="100%", height=600, background_color="#404A59") attr2, value2 = geo1.cast(data) geo2.add("", attr2, value2, visual_range=[0, 1000], visual_text_color="#FFF", symbol_size=15, is_visualmap=True, is_piecewise=False, visual_split_number=10) geo2.render("files/无名之辈-观众位置图.html") # 3、top20 柱状图 data_top20 = data[:20] bar = Bar("《无名之辈》观众来源排行 TOP20", "数据来源:猫眼,Fly采集", title_pos="center", width="100%", height=600) attr, value = bar.cast(data_top20) bar.add('', attr, value, is_visualmap=True, visual_range=[0, 3500], visual_text_color="#FFF", is_more_utils=True, is_label_show=True) bar.render("files/无名之辈-观众来源top20.html") print("图表生成完成")
def createWordCloud(self): """生成评论词云""" comments = self.readAllComments() # 19185 # 使用 jieba 分词 commens_split = jieba.cut(str(comments), cut_all=False) words = ''.join(commens_split) # 给词库添加停止词 stopwords = STOPWORDS.copy() stopwords.add("电影") stopwords.add("一部") stopwords.add("无名之辈") stopwords.add("一部") stopwords.add("一个") stopwords.add("有点") stopwords.add("觉得") # 加载背景图片 bg_image = plt.imread("files/2048_bg.png") # 初始化 WordCloud wc = WordCloud(width=1200, height=600, background_color='#FFF', mask=bg_image, font_path='C:/Windows/Fonts/STFANGSO.ttf', stopwords=stopwords, max_font_size=400, random_state=50) # 生成,显示图片 wc.generate_from_text(words) plt.imshow(wc) plt.axis('off') plt.show()
黔南 =>黔南布依族苗族自治州
由于默认情况下,一旦城市名不能完全匹配就会报异常,程序会停止,所以对源码修改如下(报错方法为 Geo.add()),其中添加注析为个人修改部分:
def get_coordinate(self, name, region="中国", raise_exception=False): """ Return coordinate for the city name. :param name: City name or any custom name string. :param raise_exception: Whether to raise exception if not exist. :return: A list like [longitude, latitude] or None """ if name in self._coordinates: return self._coordinates[name] coordinate = get_coordinate(name, region=region) # [ 20181204 添加 # print(name, coordinate) if coordinate is None: # 如果字典key匹配不上,尝试进行模糊查询 search_res = search_coordinates_by_region_and_keyword(region, name) # print("###",search_res) if search_res: coordinate = sorted(search_res.values())[0] # 20181204 添加 ] if coordinate is None and raise_exception: raise ValueError("No coordinate is specified for {}".format(name)) return coordinate
相应的需要对 __add()方法进行如下修改:
5.1 采集源码
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import requests from datetime import datetime, timedelta import os import time import sys class MaoyanFilmReviewSpider: """猫眼影评爬虫""" def __init__(self, url, end_time, filename): # 头部 self.headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1' } # 目标URL self.target_url = url # 数据获取时间段,start_time:截止日期,end_time:上映时间 now = datetime.now() # 获取当天的 零点 self.start_time = now + timedelta(hours=-now.hour, minutes=-now.minute, seconds=-now.second) self.start_time = self.start_time.replace(microsecond=0) self.end_time = datetime.strptime(end_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # 打开写入文件, 创建目录 self.save_path = "files/" if not os.path.exists(self.save_path): os.makedirs(self.save_path) self.save_file = open(self.save_path + filename, "a", encoding="utf-8") def download(self, url): """下载html内容""" print("正在下载URL: "+url) # 下载html内容 response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers) # 转成json格式数据 if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() else: # print(html.status_code) print('下载数据为空!') return "" def parse(self, content): """分析数据""" comments = [] try: for item in content['cmts']: comment = { 'nickName': item['nickName'], # 昵称 'cityName': item['cityName'], # 城市 'content': item['content'], # 评论内容 'score': item['score'], # 评分 'startTime': item['startTime'], # 时间 } comments.append(comment) except Exception as e: print(e) finally: return comments def save(self, data): """写入文件""" print("保存数据,写入文件中...") self.save_file.write(data) def start(self): """启动控制方法""" print("爬虫开始...\r\n") start_time = self.start_time end_time = self.end_time num = 1 while start_time > end_time: print("执行次数:", num) # 1、下载html content = self.download(self.target_url + str(start_time)) # 2、分析获取关键数据 comments = '' if content != "": comments = self.parse(content) if len(comments) <= 0: print("本次数据量为:0,退出爬取!\r\n") break # 3、写入文件 res = '' for cmt in comments: res += "%s###%s###%s###%s###%s\n" % (cmt['nickName'], cmt['cityName'], cmt['content'], cmt['score'], cmt['startTime']) self.save(res) print("本次数据量:%s\r\n" % len(comments)) # 获取最后一条数据的时间 ,然后减去一秒 start_time = datetime.strptime(comments[len(comments) - 1]['startTime'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + timedelta(seconds=-1) # start_time = datetime.strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # 休眠3s num += 1 time.sleep(3) self.save_file.close() print("爬虫结束...") if __name__ == "__main__": # 确保输入参数 if len(sys.argv) != 4: print("请输入相关参数:[moveid]、[上映日期]和[保存文件名],如:xxx.py 42962 2018-11-09 text.txt") exit() # 猫眼电影ID mid = sys.argv[1] # "1208282" # "42964" # 电影上映日期 end_time = sys.argv[2] # "2018-11-16" # "2018-11-09" # 每次爬取条数 offset = 15 # 保存文件名 filename = sys.argv[3] spider = MaoyanFilmReviewSpider(url="http://m.maoyan.com/mmdb/comments/movie/%s.json" % (mid, offset), end_time="%s 00:00:00" % end_time, filename=filename) # spider.start() spider.start() # t1 = "2018-11-09 23:56:23" # t2 = "2018-11-25" # # res = datetime.strptime(t1, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + timedelta(days=-1) # print(type(res)) MaoyanFilmReviewSpider.py
5.2 分析制图源码
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from pyecharts import Geo, Bar, Bar3D import jieba from wordcloud import STOPWORDS, WordCloud import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class ACoolFishAnalysis: """无名之辈 --- 数据分析""" def __init__(self): pass def readCityNum(self): """读取观众城市分布数量""" d = {} with open("files/myCmts2.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: row = f.readline() while row != "": arr = row.split('###') # 确保每条记录长度为 5 while len(arr) < 5: row += f.readline() arr = row.split('###') # 记录每个城市的人数 if arr[1] in d: d[arr[1]] += 1 else: d[arr[1]] = 1 # 首次加入字典,为 1 row = f.readline() # print(len(comments)) # print(d) # 字典 转 元组数组 res = [] for ks in d.keys(): if ks == "": continue tmp = (ks, d[ks]) res.append(tmp) # 按地点人数降序 res = sorted(res, key=lambda x: (x[1]),reverse=True) return res def readAllComments(self): """读取所有评论""" comments = [] # 打开文件读取数据 with open("files/myCmts2.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: row = f.readline() while row != "": arr = row.split('###') # 每天记录长度为 5 while len(arr) < 5: row += f.readline() arr = row.split('###') if len(arr) == 5: comments.append(arr[2]) # if len(comments) > 20: # break row = f.readline() return comments def createCharts(self): """生成图表""" # 读取数据,格式:[{"北京", 10}, {"上海",10}] data = self.readCityNum() # 1 热点图 geo1 = Geo("《无名之辈》观众位置分布热点图", "数据来源:猫眼,Fly采集", title_color="#FFF", title_pos="center", width="100%", height=600, background_color="#404A59") attr1, value1 = geo1.cast(data) geo1.add("", attr1, value1, type="heatmap", visual_range=[0, 1000], visual_text_color="#FFF", symbol_size=15, is_visualmap=True, is_piecewise=False, visual_split_number=10) geo1.render("files/无名之辈-观众位置热点图.html") # 2 位置图 geo2 = Geo("《无名之辈》观众位置分布", "数据来源:猫眼,Fly采集", title_color="#FFF", title_pos="center", width="100%", height=600, background_color="#404A59") attr2, value2 = geo1.cast(data) geo2.add("", attr2, value2, visual_range=[0, 1000], visual_text_color="#FFF", symbol_size=15, is_visualmap=True, is_piecewise=False, visual_split_number=10) geo2.render("files/无名之辈-观众位置图.html") # 3、top20 柱状图 data_top20 = data[:20] bar = Bar("《无名之辈》观众来源排行 TOP20", "数据来源:猫眼,Fly采集", title_pos="center", width="100%", height=600) attr, value = bar.cast(data_top20) bar.add('', attr, value, is_visualmap=True, visual_range=[0, 3500], visual_text_color="#FFF", is_more_utils=True, is_label_show=True) bar.render("files/无名之辈-观众来源top20.html") print("图表生成完成") def createWordCloud(self): """生成评论词云""" comments = self.readAllComments() # 19185 # 使用 jieba 分词 commens_split = jieba.cut(str(comments), cut_all=False) words = ''.join(commens_split) # 给词库添加停止词 stopwords = STOPWORDS.copy() stopwords.add("电影") stopwords.add("一部") stopwords.add("无名之辈") stopwords.add("一部") stopwords.add("一个") stopwords.add("有点") stopwords.add("觉得") # 加载背景图片 bg_image = plt.imread("files/2048_bg.png") # 初始化 WordCloud wc = WordCloud(width=1200, height=600, background_color='#FFF', mask=bg_image, font_path='C:/Windows/Fonts/STFANGSO.ttf', stopwords=stopwords, max_font_size=400, random_state=50) # 生成,显示图片 wc.generate_from_text(words) plt.imshow(wc) plt.axis('off') plt.show() if __name__ == "__main__": demo = ACoolFishAnalysis() demo.createWordCloud()