2.1 总体功能要求:能够通过该软件远程控制该软件所在的电脑的重启或关机操作。
2.2 系统要求:开发语言使用Python,并且开发出来的程序能在Windows运行。
[Slave] pophost = pop.sina.com smtphost = smtp.sina.com port = 25 username = XXX@sina.com password = XXX [Boss] mail = XXX@qq.com timelimit = 2 [Command] shutdown=shutdown -f -s -t 100 -c closing... dir=dir [Open] music = F:Masetti - Our Own Heaven.mp3 video = F:Jai Waetford - Shy.mp4 notepad = notepad
#coding:utf-8 import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") import os import win32api from mccLog import mccLog class executor(object): def __init__(self,commandDict,openDict): ''' 创建方法 :param commandDict: :param openDict: ''' self.mccLog = mccLog() self.commandDict = commandDict self.openDict = openDict def execute(self,exe,mailHelper): self.mailHelper = mailHelper subject = exe['subject'] # self.mccLog.mccWriteLog(u'开始处理命令') print u'start to process' if subject !='pass': self.mailHelper.sendMail('pass','Slave') if subject in self.commandDict: # self.mccLog.mccWriteLog(u'执行命令!') print u'start command' try: command = self.commandDict[subject] os.system(command) self.mailHelper.sendMail('Success','Boss') # self.mccLog.mccWriteLog(u'执行命令成功!') print u'command success' except Exception,e: # self.mccLog.mccError(u'执行命令失败'+ str(e)) print 'command error' self.mailHelper.sendMail('error','boss',e) elif subject in self.openDict: # self.mccLog.mccWriteLog(u'此时打开文件') print u'open the file now' try: openFile = self.openDict[subject] win32api.ShellExecute(0,'open',openFile,'','',1) self.mailHelper.sendMail('Success','Boss') # self.mccLog.mccWriteLog(u'打开文件成功!') print u'open file success' except Exception,e: # self.mccLog.mccError(u'打开文件失败!' + str(e)) print u'open file error' self.mailHelper.sendMail('error','Boss',e) elif subject[:7].lower() =='sandbox': self.sandBox(subject[8:]) else: self.mailHelper.sendMail('error','Boss','no such command!') def sandBox(self,code): name = code.split('$n$')[0] code = code.split('$n$')[1] codestr = '\n'.join(code.split('$c$')) codestr = codestr.replace('$',' ') with open(name,'a') as f: f.write(codestr) os.system('python' + name)
#-*-coding:utf-8-*- import ConfigParser import os,sys class configReader(object): def __init__(self,configPath): configFile = os.path.join(sys.path[0],configPath) self.cReader = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.cReader.read(configFile) def readConfig(self,section,item): return self.cReader.get(section,item) def getDict(self,section): commandDict = {}#字典 items = self.cReader.items(section) for key,value in items: commandDict[key] = value return commandDict
#-*-coding:utf-8-*- import logging from datetime import datetime class mccLog(object): def __init__(self): logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', filename=datetime. now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + '.log', filemode='a' ) def mccWriteLog(self,logContent): logging.info(logContent) def mccError(self,errorContent): logging.error(errorContent)
#-*-coding:utf-8-*- import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") from email.mime.text import MIMEText from configReader import configReader from mccLog import mccLog import poplib import smtplib import re class mailHelper(object): CONFIGPATH = 'config.ini' def __init__(self): ''' 初始化邮件 ''' self.mccLog = mccLog() cfReader = configReader(self.CONFIGPATH) self.pophost = cfReader.readConfig('Slave','pophost') self.smtphost = cfReader.readConfig('Slave','smtphost') self.port = cfReader.readConfig('Slave','port') self.username = cfReader.readConfig('Slave','username') self.password = cfReader.readConfig('Slave','password') self.bossMail = cfReader.readConfig('Boss','mail') self.loginMail() self.configSlaveMail() def loginMail(self): ''' 验证登陆 :return: ''' self.mccLog.mccWriteLog('start to login the E-mail') print 'start to login e-mail' try: self.pp = poplib.POP3_SSL(self.pophost) self.pp.set_debuglevel(0)#可以为0也可以为1,为1时会显示出来 self.pp.user(self.username)#复制 self.pp.pass_(self.password) self.pp.list()#列出赋值 print 'login successful!' self.mccLog.mccWriteLog('login the email successful!') print 'login the email successful!' except Exception,e: print 'Login failed!' self.mccLog.mccWriteLog('Login the email failed!') exit() def acceptMail(self): ''' 接收邮件 :return: ''' self.mccLog.mccWriteLog('Start crawling mail!') print 'Start crawling mail' try: ret = self.pp.list() mailBody = self.pp.retr(len(ret[1])) self.mccLog.mccWriteLog('Catch the message successfully') print 'Catch the message successfully' return mailBody except Exception,e: self.mccLog.mccError('Catch the message failed' + e) print 'Catch the message failed' return None def analysisMail(self,mailBody): ''' 正则分析邮件 :param mailBody: :return: ''' self.mccLog.mccWriteLog('Start crawling subject and sender') print 'Start crawling subject and sender' try: subject = re.search("Subject: (.*",str(mailBody[1]).decode('utf-8'),re.S).group(1) print subject sender = re.search("'X-Sender: (.*",str(mailBody[1]).decode('utf-8'),re.S).group(1) command = {'subject':subject,'sender':sender} self.mccLog.mccWriteLog("crawling subject and sender successful!") print 'crawling subject and sender successful' return command except Exception,e: self.mccLog.mccError("crawling subject and sender failed!" + e) print 'crawling subject and sender failed!' return None def sendMail(self,subject,receiver,body='Success'): ''' 发送邮件 :param subject: :param receiver: :param body: :return: ''' msg = MIMEText(body,'plain','utf-8') #中文需要参数utf-8,单字节字符不需要 msg['Subject'] = subject msg['from'] = self.username self.mccLog.mccWriteLog('Start sending mail' + 'to' +receiver) print 'Start sending mail' if receiver == 'Slave': try: self.handle.sendmail(self.username,self.username,msg.as_string()) self.mccLog.mccWriteLog('Send the message successfully') print 'Send the message successfully' except Exception,e: self.mccLog.mccError('Send the message failed' + e) print 'Send the message failed' return False elif receiver == 'Boss': try: self.handle.sendmail(self.username,self.bossMail,msg.as_string()) self.mccLog.mccWriteLog('Send the message successfully') print 'Send the message successfully' except Exception,e: self.mccLog.mccError('Send the message failed!' + e) print 'Send the message failed!' return False def configSlaveMail(self): ''' 配置邮件 :return: ''' self.mccLog.mccWriteLog('Start configuring the mailbox') print 'Start configuring the mailbox' try: self.handle = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtphost, self.port) self.handle.login(self.username, self.password) self.mccLog.mccWriteLog('The mailbox configuration is successful') print 'The mailbox configuration is successful' except Exception, e: self.mccLog.mccError('The mailbox configuration is failed' + e) print 'The mailbox configuration is failed' exit() # # if __name__=='__main__': # mail = mailHelper() # body = mail.acceptMail() # print body # print mail.analysisMail(body) # mail.sendMail('OK','Slave')
#-*-coding:utf-8-*- import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") import time import sys from mailHelper import mailHelper from excutor import executor from configReader import configReader __Author__ = 'william' __Verson__ = 0.5 reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') class MCC(object): CONFIGPATH = 'config.ini' KEY_COMMAND = 'Command' KEY_OPEN = 'Open' KEY_BOSS = 'Boss' KEY_TIMELIMIT = 'timelimit'#扫描时间的频率 def __init__(self): self.mailHelper = mailHelper() self.configReader = configReader(self.CONFIGPATH) commandDict = self.configReader.getDict(self.KEY_COMMAND) openDict = self.configReader.getDict(self.KEY_OPEN) self.timeLimit = int(self.configReader.readConfig(self.KEY_BOSS,self.KEY_TIMELIMIT)) self.excutor = executor(commandDict,openDict) self.toRun() def toRun(self): ''' 实现轮训操作 :return: ''' while True: self.mailHelper = mailHelper() self.run() time.sleep(self.timeLimit) def run(self): mailBody = self.mailHelper.acceptMail() if mailBody: exe = self.mailHelper.analysisMail(mailBody) if exe: self.excutor.execute(exe,self.mailHelper) if __name__ == '__main__': mcc = MCC()