简介本文实例讲述了python实现的简单文本类游戏实现方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体实现方法如下:############################################################# - My version on the game "Dragon Realm"
############################################################ # - My version on the game "Dragon Realm". # - taken from the book "invent with python" by Al Sweigart. # - thanks for a great book Mr Sweigart. # - this code takes advantage of python 3. ############################################################ #files.py import random import time print('\n\n[--system--] one file is bad the other is good ..guess the right one.\n') print('\n\nconnecting....') time.sleep(1) print('....') time.sleep(1) print('....') time.sleep(1) print('....') time.sleep(1) print('\nconnection established') def displayIntro(): print('------------') print('SYSTEM FILES') print('------------\n') print('1.) file.') print('2.) file.\n') def chooseOption(): option = '' while option != '1' and option != '2': print('which file to download"htmlcode">############################################################ # - My version of the game "guess the number". # - taken from the book "invent with python" by Al Sweigart. # - thanks for a great book Mr Sweigart. # - this code takes advantage of python 3. ############################################################ # -NOTE - this program will crash if a number is not typed. #digitcode.py import random import time guessesTaken = 0 print('\n\n\n\n\n[--system--] enter code in 15 trys to avoid lockout\n') print('\nconnecting....') time.sleep(1) print('....') time.sleep(1) print('....') time.sleep(1) print('....') time.sleep(1) print('connection established\n') print('---------------------') print(' MAINFRAME - LOGIN ') print('---------------------') print('\nenter 3 digit access code..') number = random.randint(000, 999) while guessesTaken < 15: print() guess = input('user:> ') guess = int(guess) guessesTaken = guessesTaken + 1 if guess < number: print('\nACCESS - DENIED -code to low') if guess > number: print('\nACCESS - DENIED -code to high') if guess == number: break if guess == number: guessesTaken = str(guessesTaken) print('\nverifying ....') time.sleep(1) print('\nauthenticating ....') time.sleep(1) print('....') time.sleep(1) print('....') time.sleep(1) print('\nACCESS - GRANTED') print('\nGAME OVER\n') exit(0) if guess != number: number = str(number) print('\n....') time.sleep(1) print('\n....') time.sleep(1) print('\nSYSTEM LOCKED -the code was ' + number) print() exit(0)希望本文所述对大家的Python程序设计有所帮助。